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Openings, info and post-Florence community news

What you need to know about food, water, supplies and other information in the Wilmington area. Submit items for this list to breakingnews@starnewsonline.com.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services has expanded its efforts to ensure Medicaid and NC Health Choice services can be quickly delivered to those impacted by Hurricane Florence. These new flexibilities will help people in Medicaid receive care without disruption and give health care providers leeway to deliver services with fewer limits.
The temporary provisions address certain eligibility, enrollment, benefits and cost-sharing policies.
DHHS has waived prior authorization service requirements, the three-day stay requirement in skilled nursing facilities, the 25-bed limit for critical access hospitals and, for 30 days, the Pre-Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review. In addition, beneficiaries evacuated outside of North Carolina will be considered “temporarily absent” when residency is defined and used to maintain enrollment in NC Medicaid. DHHS also will extend time limits to request a fair hearing for appeals.
To help providers more easily deliver services, DHHS has waived revalidations for providers located in North Carolina until the state of emergency declaration is lifted, and the requirement that health care professionals must be licensed in the state where services are provided. Out-of-state health professionals must be in good standing with their home state’s board and Medicaid office and complete an abbreviated and expedited out-of-state provider enrollment application.
DHHS is also working with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to be granted authority for NC Medicaid to allow providers to deliver services in alternative settings, such as temporary shelters, when their facilities are inaccessible.
Details for the new flexibilities, in addition to those announced last week, are in place through Sept. 28 and will be evaluated weekly.
For a list of all Medicaid-related flexibilities and their effective dates, visit www.medicaid.ncdhhs.gov/nc-medicaid-hurricane-florence-response-recovery. More information is also available at www.ncdhhs.gov/hurricane-florence.
BURGAW — The town of Burgaw is currently assessing the flooding situation in the area and the safety conditions of our citizens and staff. We anticipate reopening Town Hall at 8 a.m. Tuesday. If there is any change with this date and time, an update will be posted at www.townofburgaw.com. The town of Burgaw will resume taking utility payments once Town Hall has reopened. All late fees have been waived and disconnects will not occur for the month of September.
Cape Fear Community College will resume classes on Monday, Oct. 1. Until that time, the college will be closed at all campus locations for students, and all events scheduled to be held at any CFCC location including student events, athletic events, athletic practices and related activities have been canceled.
Full-time faculty and staff are asked to return on Thursday, Sept. 27, to prepare for reopening. Part-time faculty and staff should return on Monday, Oct. 1, when normal operations resume.
The Bonnie Sanders Burney Child Development Center at CFCC will remain closed until Monday, Oct. 1.
Wilson Center ticket holders should visit capefearstage.com for updates regarding upcoming performances.
In the meantime, everyone is urged to follow the direction of emergency officials regarding public safety and travel.
CFCC will continue to provide information and updates at cfcc.edu, via CFCC’s social media sites, on the CFCC Information Hotline (1-877-799-2322), and to local news media.
As North Carolina begins to recover from the destruction caused by Hurricane Florence, Mattress Firm is providing support for victims of the storm. Noon-4 p.m. Sautrday, three Mattress Firm locations in New Bern, Jacksonville and Wilmington will serve as charging stations for those impacted by the widespread power outages. North Carolinians can stop by designated store locations to charge their electronic devices and pick-up a relief kit with portable phone chargers, nonperishable snacks and water.
343 S. College Road, Wilmington
3180 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd., New Bern
1638 Western Blvd., Jacksonville
Operation BBQ Relief is turning out 30,000 meals a day in the parking lot of the old Kmart on South College Road. On site Thursday afternoon were as many as 30 or 40 core volunteers, who had driven to Wilmington from perhaps a dozen states. Augmenting them were more than 100 local volunteers, from churches and civic groups and some who just showed up on their own. Operation BBQ passes out meals in units for 50 or more, generally without plates and silverware, and turns it over to other volunteer groups, from the Salvation Army to the Cajun Navy (which has a presence in New Hanover County) to distribute. Folks who walk to the site were sent to the Salvation Army’s mobile kitchen beside the old Kmart building, where barbecue was being served.
Wilmington Housing Authority Board Meeting scheduled for Monday has been canceled.
New Hanover Regional Medical Center Emergency Department-North has reopened. The address is: 151 Scotts Hill Drive, Wilmington.
The Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO Board of Commissioners have postponed the regular meeting for Sept. 25. The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Leland town Hall in the council chambers. For more information, contact the Clerk to the Board, Teresa Long, 371-9949 ext 107 or Deputy Clerk to the Board, Deana Greiner, ext 112.
All Brunswick County Superior and District Court Sessions for the dates of Sept. 24-Sept. 28 have been canceled. The courthouse will be open to the public on a limited basis.
Brunswick County government offices will re-open at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 24, though some offices will relocate due to damage from Hurricane Florence.
Tax administration will relocate in coming dates to 101 Stone Chimney Road in Supply. The License Plate Agency and Tax Collections will locate in the Utility Billing office in Building I on the government complex in Bolivia.C
County Building Inspections, located in Building I on the county complex, will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. County Building Inspections will open a satellite office at the Leland Town Hall beginning Monday morning.
Parks and libraries will open on a regular schedule Monday.
Brunswick County will have food and water available for distribution until 5 p.m. Friday at these sites:
•Spring Lake Park, 210 Pine Road in Boiling Spring Lakes
•Northwest District Park, 1937 Andrew Jackson Highway NE, Leland
•South Brunswick Middle School, 100 Cougar Drive, Boiling Spring Lakes
•Town Creek Park, 6420 Ocean Highway East in Winnabow
RALEIGH – The Wilmington regional office and claims center of the N.C. Education Lottery will remain closed on Friday. If conditions allow, the lottery plans to open the Wilmington office on its normal schedule on Monday.
COLUMBUS COUNTY — The Columbus County Transfer Station will be open, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday. All storm debris and construction/demolition materials must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station. Household trash will be accepted at this location until Thursday, Sept. Sept. 27.
All Columbus County government offices will reopen on Tuesday.
In light of the severe impact left behind by Hurricane Florence in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, Planet Fitness welcomes anyone – member or not – affected in both states to use any of its clubs’ amenities (showers, etc.) free of charge through Friday, Sept. 28. It has Wilmington locations at 6400 Carolina Beach Rd. (Monkey Junction), open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekends; and 68-A S. Kerr Ave., open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
BRUNSWICK COUNTY — Due to staffing issues and road conditions, Waste Industries was not able to complete all routes on Wednesday and Thursday. They expect to complete normal routes on Friday as well as make up some missed routes from Wednesday. Saturday will be used to make up any missed routes from Wednesday and Thursday.
The Wilmington Fire Department has seen a tremendous increase in the number of calls about the illegal burning of storm and yard debris. Residents are reminded that there is a PERMANENT BURN BAN within the city limits of Wilmington and this burn ban includes any yard debris left behind by Hurricane Florence. For more information regarding the resumption of other city services, go to www.wilmingtonnc.gov/florence.
Yard Waste – Bagged yard debris will be picked up by city crews on regular pick up days, currently planned to begin next week.
Storm debris pickup – Storm debris for city trash customers will be picked up by DRC Emergency Services, the company contracted by the city to handle the large volume of storm debris from Hurricane Florence. Residents are asked to put out storm debris by the curb (with none of it in the street) as soon as it is ready for pickup.
Reminders: Any streets or homes blocked by debris or standing water may not be collected.
No construction or demolition debris will be picked up. All storm debris will be collected by the city’s outside contractor.
Debris in alleyways should be placed at the curb for collection.
Please do not place debris in drainage ditches, in the street or block fire hydrants.
Trash and recycling pick-up – As available personnel allow, here’s the schedule for trash/recycling for the rest of the week:
Friday: Friday customers will be picked up on Friday as normal
Note: Please have carts out to the curb no later than 7 a.m.
Please place spoiled, defrosted or leaking food in plastic bags. Crews will collect carts and up to 3 additional trash bags UP TO 40 pounds each with no extra bag fee. BAGS OVER 40 POUNDS WILL NOT be picked up.
Please make sure that carts and any bags are at the curb and clear of yard debris or other obstructions. Do not place carts or bags in the street or block storm drains.
Recycling – all recycling will be taken to the landfill at this time as the recycling center does not have power. The city will notify residents of any updates as soon as possible.
LELAND — In the wake of Hurricane Florence, the Town of Leland has activated its piggyback contract with Brunswick County for curbside disposal of storm debris. There is a tremendous amount of debris in Leland and Brunswick County and cleanup efforts will take some time. By following the instructions here you can assist the contractor in being able to get the area cleaned up in an efficient manner.
Residents should leave debris by the road for pick up and should sort it into six categories:
Normal household trash (Utilize trash bins if possible)
Vegetative debris (leaves – not bagged, logs – 3-foot sections preferred, plants, tree branches)
Construction and demolition debris (building materials, carpet, drywall, furniture, lumber, mattresses, plumbing)
Appliances and white goods (air conditioners, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers and water heaters)
Electronics (computers, radios, stereos, televisions, and other devices with a cord)
Household hazardous waste (cleaning supplies, batteries, lawn chemicals, oils, oil-based paints and stains, and pesticides)
Debris should be placed in between the sidewalk and the road; debris placed from the sidewalk toward your property will not be picked up. Citizens who do not have a sidewalk, ditch or utility line in front of their home should place debris at the edge of their property near the curb or edge of the road. Placing debris near or on fire hydrants, water meters, trees, poles or other structures makes removal difficult.
Residents should also not block storm drains with debris.
Crews will move through the Leland and the county several times collecting debris; citizens who evacuated from Brunswick County should not rush to come back to put out debris, as there will be multiple collections. The Town will not be able to provide information on when specific neighborhoods/streets will be cleared as those decisions are at the discretion of the contractor in order to complete town-wide debris removal in the most efficient manner possible.
The Leland Debris Site at Old Lanvale Road will remain closed at this time and all residents should put their yard waste at the curbside. Tip fees will remain in place at the landfill, in accordance with FEMA requirements.
Residents are reminded that the burn ban will remain in effect in Leland until further notice. All burning within 100 feet of a structure is banned.
Additional Information can be found at: www.townofleland.com/news/leland-activates-contract-curbside-storm-debris-pickup.
Philip F. Bald and staff will be donating their time and services for those in immediate need (emergency puroses only). This includes people affected by the storm and those that arehere out of town helping, such as first responders. Services are limited to palliative treatment and emergency services. We really want to focus on getting people out of immediate pain and any infection concerns. Some dental offices in the area are still not available, and we know how difficult it could be to get to the ER for something like a toothache. Dental Center at Waterford will open it office 10 a.m. 3p.m. Friday at 509 Olde Waterford Way, Suite #300, Leland (third floor). Due to small space, Dr. Bald ask that only the individual being treated come to the office, unless they are accompanying a minor. No appointments needed. This is first come, first serve. If you have any questions call 910-383-0100.
The Baptist Men and the American Red Cross are going to serve meals 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Friday at Hampstead Kiwanis Park, 586 Sloop Point Road, Hampstead. Volunteers will plate the food.
After Hurricane Florence, Pender County is on a long road to recovery. Pender County Utilities opened the county’s solid waste collection centers today (Thursday) for household garbage only.
Residents who use the sites for recycling only will be permitted to drop their household waste at the convenience sites.
“It’s a health issue,” said David Williams, Pender County commissioner. “Spoiled foods should be disposed properly and quickly.”
Once the convenience centers are full, they will close until Waste Industries can clean the site.
Proof of residency or driver’s license will be required.
No other waste can be accepted at this time, until further notice.
Debris from the storm and vegetative matter will not be accepted at the site. The county has hired a debris contractor for collection of those materials.
Burgaw Convenience Center, 3088 New Savannah Road
Shiloh Convenience Center, 19690 U.S. 421
Atkinson Convenience Center, 5128 Point Caswell
The following sites are daily 7 a.m.-7 p.m. (open and closing times may vary slightly):
Hampstead Convenience Center/Transfer Station, 250 Transfer Station Road
Surf City Convenience Center, 360 J.H. Batts Road
Rocky Point Convenience Center, 16232 N.C. 210
Further information on other sites will be made available as soon as possible.
Brunswick Family Assistance has secured several points of distribution for Friday and Monday. BFA are still trying to secure a site in the Bolivia area for Monday and will update you when that happens. The sites will be open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. (or while supplies last). Distribution locations will be as follows:
1. Southport Credit Union, 5190 Eason St., Southport (behind Bojangles)
2. Bell Custom Homes, 1120 East Cutlar Crossing Suite 204, Leland
1. Soldier Bay Church (Pastor Jason Benton), 3905 Whiteville Road, N.W., Ash.
Anyone in need of emergency supplies should come to the distribution sites within this time frame. Any questions should be directed to the Brunswick Family Assistance Shallotte office at 910-754-4766.
As you may know, PETA’s Rescue Team has been hard at work this week retrieving dogs, cats, and even chickens who were left behind during Hurricane Florence and trapped in pens, on porches, in fenced-in backyards, and in homes, some of them frantically swimming and on the brink of exhaustion. Now, the team needs the public’s help to find animals who are still in need of rescuing. Will you please urge your audience members to contact PETA immediately if they know of any animals — their own, their friends’, their family’s, or their neighbors’—who have been left behind in evacuations around Lumberton, Elizabethtown, Pembroke, Wallace, Burgaw, or nearby areas? Detailed reports can be made to CIDInfo@peta.org or on Twitter to @PETA.
COLUMBUS COUNTY — The Columbus Baptist Association has set up a post in Columbus County to assist residents. At this time, they are assisting with clean up, cutting and removing downed trees, and installing tarps. If you need assistance call 904-253-0502.
Distribution sites have been established at the below locations. These sites have MREs, water, and tarps available for Columbus County residents in need. The NC Forest Service and the National Guard are at each location to assist with distribution. Distribution hours will be 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The site locations are subject to change depending on community needs.
Bolton Fire Department
Brunswick Fire Department
Chadbourn Fire Department
Evergreen Fire Department
Fair Bluff at the old auto parts store
Hallsboro Fire Department
Lake Waccamaw at the BB&T located in the Hills Plaza
North Whiteville Fire Department
Tabor City Fire Department
White Marsh/Welches Creek Fire Department
Williams Township Fire Department
The Columbus Baptist Association has a distribution site set up at the Barefoot Church/ old Big Lots building located at 20 Whiteville Plaza in Whiteville. Distribution of donated items will be held at 8:30 a.m. Friday and will last until all items are passed out. The available items are non-perishable food items, water, and cleaning supplies. Additional resources will be arriving later.
The shelter at East Columbus has reopened to serve those in need in the Eastern portion of the county. The shelter at Guideway Elementary School has closed. Edgewood Elementary School, South Columbus High School, and West Columbus High School shelters are open.
Columbus County residents can apply for FEMA assistance by contacting 1-800-621-3362 or visit www.disasterassistance.gov.
Winestore at the Forum in Wilmington is open for business.
Mayfaire will be open 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and noon-6 p.m. Sunday.
Department store, restaurant and theaters hours may vary. The public should call the retailers and restaurants before traveling to confirm their hours of operation. For contact information, visit Mayfaire.com.
Carolina Beach says: For food in refrigerators and freezers that has spoiled, please dispose of in your Waste Industries cart. There will also be white food disposal dumpsters staged throughout the town. If you find that that your cart won’t contain the food, or if it is very spoiled and needs immediate removal, please dispose of at these locations shown on the map. These locations are:
1. 1708 Canal Drive parking lot
2. Sandpiper Parking Lot
3. St. Joseph St and Old Theater Parking Lot
4. Canal Drive Parking Lot
5. Third St S and Raleigh Ave-Community Building Parking Lot
6. Woody Hewett and Atlanta Ave-Shell Lot
7. Clarendon Ave and Dow Road S- Mike Chappel Park
8. Alabama Ave Parking Lot
Also, the Town will be removing household waste by the curbside. However, if you need to dispose of items such as couches, furniture, boards, etc. you can drop off items at 4 disposal points throughout the Town. Those are located at the following locations:
1708 Canal Drive parking Lot
Sandpiper Parking Lot
Clarendon Ave and Dow Road S – Mike Chappel Park
Alabama Ave Parking Lot
Pine Valley United Methodist Church at 3788 Shipyard Blvd., Wilmington, will be hosting a spaghetti dinner, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday (or until the food is gone), according to their Facebook page. If you would like to help serve or clean up and can safely make it to the church, preparation for the dinner began this afternoon. This is a community dinner so all are invited. There is no charge.
Dosher Wellness Center will be open for walk-in patients, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday at 3009 Medical Plaza Lane, Southport. 910-454-1234. All other Dosher clinics remain closed until Monday.
SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ — In an effort to provide assistance and relief to individuals and families displaced by Hurricane Florence, national telehealth provider MeMD is offering free urgent care visits for common and non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries through the end of September.
“We know people are facing incredible devastation right now and easy phone access to a medical provider is a significant need. With providers in all 50 states, we’re grateful that we’re in a position to help,” said MeMD President Glenn Dean.
How it works:
Residents of North Carolina and South Carolina can call 844-399-5341 and provide the care coordinator with the code “FLORENCE” to start a visit with a board-certified, state-licensed medical provider.
Free telehealth visits have been extended to all residents until Sunday, Sept. 30. Services are available 24/7. Fore morer information, visit https://go.memd.me/hurricane-florence.
What can be treated:
Common illnesses and injuries that can be treated over the phone include allergies, cold, flu, respiratory infections, sprains, strains, cuts, dehydration and more. When medically necessary, providers can e-prescribe medications to the patient’s pharmacy of choice.
For a comprehensive list of conditions that can be treated via telehealth, visit https://go.memd.me/hurricane-florence.
BOLIVIA — Brunswick County will turn on services for all water and sewer customers that were disconnected for non-payment prior to Hurricane Florence, until county offices re-open so payment arrangements can be made.
Brunswick County will also waive all late fees during this period, until normal operations resume in the county.
Brunswick County Inspections will open a temporary satellite office in Town Creek Park, 6420 Ocean Highway East, Winnabow (in the concession stand building). The satellite office will be open 8 a.m.-3 p.m. daily beginning Thursday. The satellite office will offer permitting services and inspections for storm-related issues.
The shelter at Wallace Rose Hill High School has clothes, shoes, toiletries, and food to distribute to anyone in need. Delivery can be arranged. If anyone needs assistance in the southeastern part of Duplin County, call or text Stephanie Stuart at 910-714-8168.
From New Hanover Regional Medical Center: Hurricane Florence has severely impacted the region, including the ability of residents to safely access medical care as travel is limited and many areas are still without electricity. While the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Emergency Department is open at the South 17th Street campus, many physician offices are now open to assist patients with more routine needs.
Below is a list of primary care, urgent care and other medical facilities that are open and available to assist patients. Patients should bring any prescribed medications to the office.
NHRMC and NHRMC Physician Group outpatient facilities:
New Hanover Medical Group-NHRMC Physician Group’s Myrtle Grove office, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for urgent care on a walk-in basis
New Hanover Medical Group-NHRMC Physician Group’s Brunswick Forest office, 8 a.m.-5 p .m. continuing to welcome walk-ins.
New Hanover Medical Group-NHRMC Physician Group’s Ogden office, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for urgent care on a walk-in basis
NHRMC – Coastal Family Medicine is open and seeing walk-in patients. The office is also scheduled to be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday for sick patients. Patients can call if they need medication refills.
Wrightsville Beach Family Medicine, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for walk-in patients.
The Glen Meade Center for Women’s Health (Glen Meade location only) is open for appointments.
Atlantic Fetal Medicine is open for appointments.
Jacksonville Primary Care is open for walk-ins, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Onslow Oncology is open for appointments.
NHRMC Physician Specialists — Internal Medicine Specialists on New Hanover Medical Park Drive is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for walk-ins and appointments.
Cape Fear Heart Associates – NHRMC Physician Group is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for acute walk-ins at the Wilmington office.
NHRMC Health & Diagnostics at Brunswick Forest is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Medac is open 9 a.m.-6 p.m at their Shipyard Boulevard and Monkey Junction locations.
Wilmington Health locations will be open 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday.
Mayfaire-pediatrics and internal medicine
Internal medicine at Medical Center Drive
Hampstead – Family Medicine
Shipyard-Family Medicine
OB/GYN at South 17th Street
Monkey Junction- Convenient Care
Jacksonville -Urgent Care
Specialty Care will be open 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Infectious Disease at Silver Stream
Orthopedics at Medical Center Drive
Endocrinology at 1500 Physicians Drive
Rheumatology at Silver Stream – Additional offices will open 8 a.m-4 p.m. Thursday.
Brunswick Forest will be open 8 a.m.-noon for adults, and noon-4 p.m. for all ages.
Opening Friday
GI-1202 Medical Center Drive
Surgery-1202 Medical Center
Brunswick Forest – 8 a.m.-noon for adults, and noon-4 p.m. for all ages.
Carolinas MED-1, a one-of-a-kind mobile hospital unit, is fully staffed and capable of handling anything from minor injuries to severe emergency medical conditions, including trauma surgery and intensive medical care. MED-1 is located at 200 W. Wilmington St., Burgaw, in the Family Dollar parking lot.
For an updated list of open physician practices, visit NHRMC.org.
PNC Bank has assigned one mobile banking unit equipped with a 24-hour ATM available for cash withdrawals, deposits and other account services to Wilmington. It is powered by an on-board generator. ATM will open at noon at 3709 Oleander Drive.
The YMCA of Southeastern NC is reopening its Midtown and Express Y branches, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday. There will be no group exercise classes or Child Watch services at this time.
Additionally, the Y is opening its doors to those who are still without power, so that they may come charge their phones and use the Y’s shower facilities. The Y has six showers at our Express Y and two at the Midtown YMCA. Guests should bring their own towels.
Hurricane Relief Supplies: For those who evacuated and are eager to help, the Y is collecting donations for Cape Fear Volunteer Center’s hurricane relief efforts. Below is a list of items our community is in need of. Please drop off donations to our Midtown YMCA.
Bottled Water
Hand sanitizer
Latex gloves
Canned goods with pop tops
Gas cards
Large trash bags
Duct tape
For more information visit www.ymcasenc.org/florence
PENDER COUNTY – Pender County residents needing assistance can turn to local charities for assistance.
“We have several wonderful organizations that have stepped up to help our community during the recovery from Hurricane Florence,” said Tom Collins.
“We know this is a trying time,” said Collins. “Supplies by truck and helicopter are arriving.”
The following sites will be Red Cross distribution centers:
Maple Hill VFD, 115 Old Maple Hill Road
Maple Hill American Legion, 16660 U.S. 17
Hampstead Penderlea VFD, 4005 N.C. 11, Penderlea
The old Bank of America, 102 E. Fremont St., Burgaw
EMS Station, 14388 N.C. 210, Rocky Point
The following drop sites for relief items will be:
Lighthouse Church, 98 S. Trade Way, Rocky Point
Atkinson, 700 E. Church St., Atkinson
Maple Hill, 115 Old Maple Road, Maple Hill
Hampstead Kiwanis Park, 586 Sloop Point Loop Road, Hampstead
For assistance of food, toiletries, and cleaning products, visit: Share the Table, 12395 N.C. 50, Surf City (call 910-616-8897 for hours)
Gateway Baptist Church, 416 W. Bridgers St., Burgaw
Lighthouse Church, 98 South Trade Way, Rocky Point.
Monetary donations may be made to the American Red Cross, Gateway Community Church, Pender Christian Services, Baptist Men of North Carolina, and Lighthouse Church, and Share the Table.
“We want normalcy, but normalcy will be restored in the coming weeks as our power is restored, and our businesses are up and running,” said Collins.
“I know it is hard,” said Collins, “but we are resilient, and we will be normal again.”
Pender County Emergency Management will post updates on the Facebook page at facebook.com/penderem and on the website http://www.penderem.com. If you need immediate help call the EM office at 910-259-1210.
Operation BBQ Relief is turning out 30,000 meals a day in the parking lot of the old Kmart on South College Road. On site Thursday afternoon were as many as 30 or 40 core volunteers, who had driven to Wilmington from perhaps a dozen states. Augmenting them were more than 100 local volunteers, from churches and civic groups and some who just showed up on their own. Operation BBQ passes out meals in units for 50 or more, generally without plates and silverware, and turns it over to other volunteer groups, from the Salvation Army to the Cajun Navy (which has a presence in New Hanover County) to distribute. Folks who walk to the site were sent to the Salvation Army’s mobile kitchen beside the old Kmart building, where barbecue was being served.